Main Point: The Church is the New Temple, built on the Cornerstone of Christ, with living stones, filling the earth with His Presence
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Main Point: The Church is the New Temple, built on the Cornerstone of Christ, with living stones, filling the earth with His Presence
Main Point: God has a plan to build a home with His people forever, through His Word, displaying His glory
Main Point: Christ covers our new lives with His character, and fits us together as His body, to wear His name with thanksgiving
Main Point: Our full assurance of victory in Christ is built on a deep treasury, a powerful artillery, and a continued advancement
Main Point: The Commission from Heaven is a declaration of God’s authority, terms, and power, delivered through His redeemed people
Main Point: Christians desperately need robust friendships mediated by Christ’s presence
Main Point: Stop playing with fire. Live in the Light of the Gospel
Main Point: Jesus brings peace to our fears, and proof to our doubts; Believe in Him, and have life in His name
Main Point: Jesus is the true Judge, true King, and true Substitute, and establishes righteousness, truth, and life for His people through His sacrifice
Main Point: Christ was born to experience internal agony and suffer external affliction, in order to secure eternal joy for His people
Main Point: Our salvation is secured in God’s plan and power