Main Point: Entrust your souls to the Lord while doing good
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Main Point: Entrust your souls to the Lord while doing good
Main Point: Jesus became the dwelling place to whom people can now go to meet with the God of heaven
Main Point: Be encouraged by the work of God in and through Christian fellowship
Main Point: Resist the temptation to measure Christian faith and maturity to fleshly regulations by holding fast to Christ
Main Point: Listening to godly wisdom requires applying the words, work, and way of Jesus to your everyday life
Main Point: Finding wisdom means living into Christlikeness
Main Point: Jesus’s death accomplished forgiveness of sins so that we might respond in faith
Main Point: Remain faithful in the face of opposition
Main Point: Only faith in Christ can provide you with unparalleled joy
Main Point: Take a bold step and ask God to place you in circumstances where you can proclaim your love for him