Main Point: The gospel bids us to honor the authority of human institutions while living as servants of God
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Main Point: The gospel bids us to honor the authority of human institutions while living as servants of God
Main Point: It’s the mercy of Jesus that enables us to meet the constant contempt of this world with the gospel of peace
Main Point: Only when we understand and embrace our exile status will we be prepared to navigate the cultural challenges we face with the wisdom and grace of the gospel
Main point: Investigate the claims of Christ honestly. Ask the hard questions, and do the hard work to find the answers
Main point: It is through putting our faith in Christ personally that Jesus moves us from death to life
Main point: The time of God’s harvest has begun, so let’s be about his work
Main point: Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God
Main point: Jesus embodies the holy presence of God as a new temple, that he might make a way for us to enter in
Main point: The point of this story is not simply demonstrating Jesus’ power, but revealing something of his person and glory
Main point: When we see Jesus for ourselves, as he truly is, we can’t help but follow him and make him known
Main point: As the incarnate Word, Jesus reveals the glory and grace of the Father in a new and climactic way