Main Point: The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the very Word of God
John Part 4
John tells us that he has written these things “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (20:31). May we trust Christ’s finished work, and know the life that he alone can give
Main Point: The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the very Word of God
Main Point: Jesus meets us in our everyday lives and invites us into fellowship with him
Main Point: Jesus brings peace to our fears, and proof to our doubts; Believe in Him, and have life in His name
Main Point: The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the very Word of God
Main Point: The tomb is empty. Christ is risen. Believe in him and live
Main Point: Jesus’s death accomplished forgiveness of sins so that we might respond in faith
Main Point: The cross of Jesus is the culmination of his earthly ministry, and the climax of God’s redemptive work
Main Point: Christ, in his humility, willingly endured the humiliation of this world, to show us the glory and power of God
Main Point: Jesus is the true Judge, true King, and true Substitute, and establishes righteousness, truth, and life for His people through His sacrifice