January 12, 2025
Main point: The point of this story is not simply demonstrating Jesus’ power, but revealing something of his person and glory
January 12, 2025
Series: The Gospel at Work
Message: As Unto The Lord
Pastor: Brandon Levering
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Main point: The point of this story is not simply demonstrating Jesus’ power, but revealing something of his person and glory
Main point: When we see Jesus for ourselves, as he truly is, we can’t help but follow him and make him known
Main point: There is a danger in getting so caught up in self worth, we miss the One of infinite worth
Main point: As the incarnate Word, Jesus reveals the glory and grace of the Father in a new and climactic way
Main point: We become children of God through faith in Jesus Christ
Main point: God is making himself known in a unique and climactic way through the person and work of his Son, Jesus
If you’ve been around Stonebridge Church for very long, it’s pretty obvious that the Bible plays a central role in virtually everything we do. Our Sunday morning worship centers on the preaching of the Word. The songs we sing and the prayers we pray are shaped by the Word. We discuss the Bible during our Groups and teach it in our Classes. It’s the centerpiece of our discipleship relationships and any pastoral counsel we give. It guides our leaders and shapes our beliefs and convictions. The Bible truly is central to the life of Stonebridge Church