November 1, 2024
November 1, 2024
Series: Jesus Is Enough
Message: In With The New
Pastor: Keith Knight
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Main Point: Jesus is the only way to full life in the Father’s glory forever
Main point: Love one another as Jesus has loved you
Main Point: Jesus says, “whoever receives me (that is, whoever accepts, believes, and trusts in Jesus Christ) receives the one who sent me”
Main Point: In Jesus we are loved, cleansed, and called to love as we have been loved
Main Point: God calls his church not only to spiritual maturity, but spiritual multiplication, which requires being equipped and equipping others for the work of ministry
Main Point: Establishing New Believers in the Faith requires the right foundation, a solid construction, and lifelong participation
Main Point: As citizens of Jesus’s kingdom, He gives us labor to do in His rescue mission of those around us that remain in the kingdom of darkness!
Main Point: Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God
Main Point: Jesus subjected himself to the unbelievable that we might believe in him and know God
Main Point: Jesus was crowned on the cross, casting out the ruler of this world, calling all to believe in Him and follow
Main Point: Even in the midst of life's activity, treasure the presence of Christ with undivided devotion
Main Point: Nothing can stop God from accomplishing his plan of redemption
Main Point: Jesus’ love for us is all-encompassing, ready to meet us wherever we are with the power of his resurrection
Main Point: Because Jesus is one with the Father, our eternity is secure in him
Main Point: Jesus is the True Shepherd who died and rose again to fill us with life
Main Point: Trust Jesus to give “clarity” about lasting life and labor!
If you’ve been around Stonebridge Church for very long, it’s pretty obvious that the Bible plays a central role in virtually everything we do. Our Sunday morning worship centers on the preaching of the Word. The songs we sing and the prayers we pray are shaped by the Word. We discuss the Bible during our Groups and teach it in our Classes. It’s the centerpiece of our discipleship relationships and any pastoral counsel we give. It guides our leaders and shapes our beliefs and convictions. The Bible truly is central to the life of Stonebridge Church