January 12, 2025
Main Point: Guard the priority of the gospel by keeping your hope undivided and your conduct godly
January 12, 2025
Series: The Gospel at Work
Message: As Unto The Lord
Pastor: Brandon Levering
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Main Point: Guard the priority of the gospel by keeping your hope undivided and your conduct godly
Main Point: The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the very Word of God
Main Point: Jesus meets us in our everyday lives and invites us into fellowship with him
Main Point: Jesus brings peace to our fears, and proof to our doubts; Believe in Him, and have life in His name
Main Point: The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the very Word of God
Main Point: The tomb is empty. Christ is risen. Believe in him and live
Main Point: Give thanks to God, for he has brought salvation through his King in the most unimaginable way
Main Point: Jesus’s death accomplished forgiveness of sins so that we might respond in faith
Main Point: The cross of Jesus is the culmination of his earthly ministry, and the climax of God’s redemptive work
Main Point: Christ, in his humility, willingly endured the humiliation of this world, to show us the glory and power of God
Main Point: Jesus is the true Judge, true King, and true Substitute, and establishes righteousness, truth, and life for His people through His sacrifice
Main Point: Remain faithful in the face of opposition
Main Point: Jesus’ arrest was not a failure, setback, or defeat, but the Son’s loving obedience to the Father for the sake of those being saved
Main Point: The Scriptures are the sufficient revelation of God for the ongoing life, health, and ministry of the church
Main Point: The Bible is our supreme authority because it is the very Word of God
Main Point: The Bible is God's Word, and we can have confidence that it is always truthful and trustworthy
Main Point: The Bible is nothing less than the very Word of God
Main Point: True joy cannot be passed on by a well-crafted slogan
If you’ve been around Stonebridge Church for very long, it’s pretty obvious that the Bible plays a central role in virtually everything we do. Our Sunday morning worship centers on the preaching of the Word. The songs we sing and the prayers we pray are shaped by the Word. We discuss the Bible during our Groups and teach it in our Classes. It’s the centerpiece of our discipleship relationships and any pastoral counsel we give. It guides our leaders and shapes our beliefs and convictions. The Bible truly is central to the life of Stonebridge Church