The Trellises of Our Ministry to Students

Author: Pastor Steve Duffy


Over the last year as we have been discussing intentional discipleship churchwide there has also been pause and consideration what specifically does this mean for student ministry. The “what” we do and “why” are important given the limited time each week we have with students. As we head into the new ministry year, it is good for parents/guardians and leaders to be aware of this so that you can encourage students in your sphere of influence to plug in as you help them take their next step with Jesus.


I’ll start by defining a few terms, adapted from a book called “The Vine Project”. I’ll use the word trellis to refer to the structure, the scheduled gatherings currently available to students, and vine work to refer to the work of cultivating disciples. The churches mission is discipleship so the scheduled gatherings should be purposed to facilitate that. Meaning, the program itself, or the gathering itself, is not the main thing, rather the main thing is what happens in that gathering.


For students, I have broken down our main trellises into the following categories along with providing detail around the primary facet of discipleship (Engage, Evangelize, Establish, Equip) in view:


  • Sunday AM class hour for middle/high school - we have a mix of experiences throughout the year; combined MS & HS class, separate MS & HS classes, and combined classes with adults (intergenerational). Establish applies here.
  • Sunday PM high school Bible study - this group is intentionally setup to be primarily student led, as a means to equip students in preparing and leading a group. Establish applies here.
  • Wed PM youth gathering for middle/high school - this gathering includes the widest variety of activities including worship music, teaching, groups, and activities. All for the “E’s” are in action on this night.
  • Events/Retreats for middle/high school - this includes any student centric activity outside of the previous gatherings mentioned such as the annual MS or HS retreat, city-wide events via collaboration with the CR area youth ministry fellowship, game nights, serving opportunities, etc. Generally Establish applies here, however this really needs to be broken down per event/retreat.
  • Intergenerational gatherings - this includes our Sunday AM worship service, but also any church wide event that we intentionally include the full family or at least targeted young people (e.g., Men’s/Women’s breakfasts, cookouts, retreats). Generally Establish applies here
  • Serving - this builds on the previous intergenerational point but specific to serving opportunities as part of the body of Christ. Generally Establish applies here.

One important point to note is that with students it is often that Engage and Evangelize are always in view to discern where each student is in their faith journey. We don’t make the assumption that because a student is engaged in any/all of the previous trellis activity that they have saving faith in Jesus Christ. So we are always testing to see where students are to help them in their own growth and assurance in the finished work of Christ.


I’ll make reference to this blog in the future as I talk through details of specific vine work related changes that we’ll make this coming ministry year to help students grow further as disciples and into disicplemakers. As parents/guardians and leaders of students, have the previous trellis options in view as you consider how you might challenge the young people in your life to take a next step. Engage students on how they might become increasingly devoted to Christ and His church through the various trellis activities. I’ll be writing more on this in the weeks ahead, so I’d appreciate any thoughts you have as you ponder this topic and what it looks like to intentionally disciple students. As a partner and support for you all, reach out with thoughts and questions that you might have on this, I’d love to engage in conversation on how we can partner together further in this privilege of coming alongside students as they take their next step with Jesus!


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. - Ephesians 5:15-16


Photo by Brittney Strange on Unsplash

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