Risks Worth Taking

It’s only been a month since the “Who Are Your 2?” prayer initiative launched, and the peg walls are filled with dozens and dozens of names. Together, we are praying for open doors for gospel conversations and open eyes for faith in Christ. Though it's still early, we can already see God moving.


Aaron Aamodt felt prompted to take a bold step with his coworkers—that was probably a nerve-wracking thought! But he was obedient, and the outcome was deeply encouraging. Aaron shared:

“I’ve been praying for my coworkers for a while, but wasn’t sure how to go beyond the occasional lunch conversation, which sometimes touched on faith. As I kept praying, I felt led to ask them if they’d like to read the Bible together over lunch. I texted several coworkers, and to my surprise, a few said they were interested. We’re starting with the book of Mark. And as an extra praise, one coworker mentioned that I was the third friend to reach out to her about ‘Jesus stuff’ recently. It’s amazing to see how God had already been pursuing her!”

Aaron’s Bible study group kicked off on Wednesday, September 18, with an initial meeting where they shared their stories and experiences with the church, and laid the foundation for future gatherings and study.

Similarly, Ron Zachariasen feels led to minister to his neighbor and her friend, and is prayerfully waiting for the right opportunity. Ron shares:

“My neighbor has a friend who is terminally ill. She’s worried about her friend, but not in a spiritual sense. I believe she thinks, ‘All good people go to heaven,’ including herself. I’m fairly certain neither of them has accepted Christ. My hope and prayer is that I can ask her if she’d be open to looking at Romans 6:23 with me, which might be a way to guide both of them towards the truth. Please pray for us.”

These are just two examples of how God is working in and through His people. Taking risks is intimidating, but we can confidently move forward knowing that while we may be taking the risk, God ultimately opens doors and pursues hearts.

We’d love to hear how you’ve seen God at work—whether it’s the risks you’ve felt prompted to take, the ways God is pursuing your “2,” or doors that have started to crack open.

Share your stories HERE

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