Comfort in Crisis

Historically, Christians have been a beacon of hope in times of need and crisis. The existence of hospitals, disaster relief organizations, and countless non-profits stand as a testament to this legacy. These efforts are often (and rightfully) aimed at reaching unbelievers by being the hands and feet of Jesus, especially during moments of vulnerability. After all, this is the Great Commission, and reaching the lost should always be a priority.

However, there's another equally important aspect we don't hear about as often—how the church cares for its own. Supporting our brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer, encouragement, and acts of service is crucial as we continue to build each other up in faith. As Galatians 6:2 reminds us, we are called to "carry each other’s burdens".

At Stonebridge, our Care Team was established to do just that—to care for our congregation in their times of need. In 2023-2024 ministry year, the Care Team provided support to 61 households in our church, one of which was Dane and Natalie Sorenson. Natalie shares her story:


"The Care Team at Stonebridge has been such a blessing to me and my family. Earlier this year, we welcomed our second child, and just two weeks later, my dad unexpectedly passed away. We were in shock, barely getting any sleep with a newborn, and I was overwhelmed. I desperately needed support, and thankfully, the Care Team stepped in. They were both prayerful and practical. They visited our home, took the time to listen, and asked how we were truly doing. They brought meals (more than once!) that helped us easily feed our family during such a distressing time. I can’t thank them enough for their willingness to help when we needed it most."


Dane and Natalie, like the other 60 households served, found the comfort, encouragement, and care they needed as they faced their crisis. Through meals, prayer, and visits, our church body helped the Sorensons carry their burden, enabling them to continue taking their next steps with Jesus. And that’s the heart of the Care Team’s mission: to walk alongside our people, demonstrating Christ's love so they are able to continue on in the faith.

Interested in learning more about serving on the Care Team? Click HERE

Are you in need of care? email

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