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If you are a Christian, there will be times in your life that are hard. People will make fun of you, think less of you, or even verbally and physically assault you, just because you are a Christian. Your children might give you a lot of trouble after you sacrificed a lot to raise them. We can all fill in the blank, “I am afflicted because...” As a Christian, you will expect to experience some level of affliction in your life. We are not greater than Jesus and should expect the same hatred he faced as we live our lives for him.

I didn't fully know what to expect for Challenge 2024. Being a "newbie" attender to the conference, all I had to go off of was the testimony of those leaders/students who attended in the past, including my own kids. The feedback historically has always been positive. However, as first-timers to the conference, Jill Louzek and I, the 2 adults that accompanied 21 students, can confidently say that we'll promote the Challenge conference in the future.

When it comes to sharing our faith, no matter what that looked like in the past, it becomes clear when we re-engage in that activity just how long it has been since our previous times of sharing. Through our first few Wed pm meetings in July we have been talking about serving those outside the church family, including serving them by sharing the truth of the gospel of Christ. This past week it was time to be “doers of the word” (James 1:22)!

I recently heard a friend speak about law-filled shepherding versus grace-filled shepherding. In speaking about these concepts from the letter to the Galatians he used the analogy of one carrying a backpack with bricks (i.e., burdens), with a law-filled approach adding to bricks and a grace-filled approach taking them away. For the young people, who are being trained in the ways of the gospel of Christ, are you a person who adds bricks or takes them away from their backpack? How would you know?

Currently, the first student that arrives on Wednesday night thinks of a “check-in” question to write on the board. Then those who arrive after write down their answers. This week the question was “What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?”. There were a variety answers that students provided describing their initial steps to “get ready” or prepare for the day. What about preparing to connect with those outside of our church family with the hope of engaging them in a spiritual conversation? What might be involved in the charge to “get ready”?

Being with students for a full week has been an extreme joy. I mean that! It is a privilege to have parents hand over their youth to our care for 5-6 days for this recent trip, the Challenge conference

When the Bible uses the word “learn”, it generally is referring to knowledge gained through teaching/instruction or experience. So why learning? To answer that, let's review a few common references in God’s word that help shape a Biblical worldview of “learning”.

So far on Wednesday nights in June we have been talking through what serving others means, what motivates us to serve, and what serving practically looks like. The home is the best place to learn and grow in this area of Christian living, so what might that look like?

Throughout scripture, we notice how Jesus loves children. He values them and counts them as worthy of being discipled. In fact, in Mark 19:14 he said “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven”. At Stonebridge, we also love and value children and are burdened for them to be followers of Christ. When we say “Disciple-making is for Everyone” we mean EVERYONE, including the little children. 

There is a common temptation to compartmentalize life, usually related to how we spend our time; school, work, home, church, hobbies/interests/activities, etc. With relationships a core part of living in all of these areas of life, the temptation exists then to act differently in each context, and sometimes inconsistent with how the Scriptures describe a follower of Jesus. What is behind these temptations, especially for young people, and how can we help young people fight these temptations?

We’re trying an experiment this summer, a time when schedules are far less routine due to school changes, vacations, increased family activities, increased opportunities in the culture around us, etc.

I wonder if I limit the pool of students who have potential to lead simply due to the activity of our gatherings and only paying attention to those that are more assertive at raising their hands to jump in?

Bonus points if you can guess what movie the blog title is from? (hint: see the gif at the end of this blog)

I can remember standing in the church lobby one Sunday and after I had just been talking to a lady, she turned to talk to someone else, and right in front of me they made plans for lunch. Here I am longing for an invitation, for someone to notice me, to be included, for someone to see my loneliness, and it didn't happen. So those thoughts of “I'm Not Good Enough” started stirring in my heart.

I’m grateful for the large number of graduating seniors who were committed to our regular youth gatherings, and specifically those who stepped out in faith to be equipped to lead and carried it out faithfully

God used a simple moment to remind me that he is near and that he cares deeply for us. His kindness extends beyond our big needs and situations to the small and seemingly insignificant things as well.

Even though the conversation ended with no great admissions, confessions, revelations or proclamations of faith from Josh, I can trust that the Lord will take my step of obedience to engage with my co-worker and turn it into something fruitful.

There is much activity going on this time of year for graduating seniors. Well, actually their full senior year! From final decisions about their post high school next steps, to senior pictures, to all that comes with the final days until graduation such as the ceremony and graduation party