Brandon Levering

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Main Point: Though our work is never quite done and rarely amounts to what we hoped, because Jesus’ work for us is finished, we can enjoy our labor and leave results in God’s hands

Main Point: True success is not measured by the abundance of our possessions, but by our faithfulness to Christ

Main Point: Work is neither a curse nor a cure-all, but a calling by God to participate in the flourishing of his creation through the redemptive work of Christ

Main Point: What God envisioned in the beginning will be finally and fully true in the end, where all who belong to Christ will enjoy God’s presence, blessing, and rule forever

Main Point: When we practice false worship and freely pursue sin, we forfeit the presence of God. True worship is centered on Christ, dependent on the Spirit, and aimed at the Father’s glory above all else

Main Point: God’s vision for humanity is a life of worship, lived in God’s presence, for the sake of his glory

Main Point: Sharing the treasure we have in Christ begins with prayer, and requires wisdom and grace

Main Point: If you have been raised with Christ, then focus your life and fix your mind on Christ and his kingdom

Main Point: Beware of counterfeit sources for knowing and following God, and hold fast to the genuine article that is Christ

Main Point: Only when we grasp the centrality of Christ in God’s great plan of redemption will we be able to live in a way that pleases God